New Barcode Verification Tool Released

New Tools Available to Synchronize Our Digital and Physical Worlds

AIS announces new SCANALYST 3 High-Resolution Barcode Verification Systems (S3-HR) for current and future barcode use. There are now 7 billion barcodes scanned each day that connect our virtual computer-based world to the physical reality. The technology continues to grow and evolve.  Considering our increasing dependence on clean data to run efficiently without unnecessary risk, and you have a need for better testing tools.

Barcode verification is the ISO method of grading a barcodes ability to be scanned.   Almost all industries and regulators have mandated minimum quality grades for compliance with regulations to avoid non-scans or mis-scans.   This necessity, in addition to the increased use of both larger and denser barcodes containing more data has created a need for a higher resolution barcode verifier.

Barcode verifiers are held to tight ISO tolerances. To be accurate, a verifier must have appropriate resolution for the barcode being measured. For verification of many barcode types, the higher resolution is absolutely necessary to provide the required accuracy. S3-HR has twice the resolution of the next nearest device and is at least 2-3 times the resolution of all common commercial verifiers now in use.  The highest resolution barcode verifier is the “Judge”, a super-verifier used by standards groups to create calibrated test cards. The “Judge” has 10 times the resolution of common verifiers while SCANALYST 3 HR has 2-3 times the resolution of common verifiers.

Aside from the valuable higher accuracy, the new SCANALYST 3 (S3-HR) greater resolution now makes it possible to:

  • Image and verify large labels with multiple barcodes
  • Image and verify higher density barcodes
  • Image and verify at greater distances

Jeff Nolan from AIS said “SCANALYST S3-HR Systems are important for those using long linear barcodes for shipping labels such as AIAG, DSCSA or UDI.  It will also be important for companies looking for one easy to use, barcode verifier and compliance solution that can be used to for all their verification needs.  The S3 Hi-Res is a big step forward”

SCANALYST 3 (S3-HR) joins the SCANALYST family of verification and compliance systems. All SCANALYST 3 systems are:

  • Field upgradeable, Linear and/or 2D capable, DPM capable (direct part marked)
  • Able to Inspect for GS1 compliance, Able to Inspect for FDA UDI GUDID compliance (Optional)
  • Maintaining Full compliance records
  • Comprehensive and easy to use

Implications for supply chains – Shipping label barcodes are the Supply Chain workhorse. They use long linear barcodes which are usually read automatically by scanners on warehouse conveyor systems. Bad or substandard barcodes are likely to require manual handling and error prone data entry.  When these incidents occur, a companies’ digital world no longer matches its’ physical world.  Products become invisible, plans are broken and opportunities are lost. This is disruptive and creates costs for the customer.  They can recover some of these costs if they can identify the source and communicate with the supplier.  Good barcodes help build good supply chains. S3-HR makes vendor barcode conformance programs possible and beneficial for supply chain mangers.

Implications for healthcare suppliers and distributors – FDA mandated UDI and DSCSA programs require ISO Grade 2 or better. Anything less could mean a problem scanning, higher risks and returned products.  ‘Trust but Verify’ is the view throughout this regulated supply chain. Competency has to be built in this new environment and trust must be built between trading partners because the risks are quite high.  It is time to stop “winging it”.  Barcode users must check your work and keep good records. It is time to “Do it right”.

Implications for Big Data analytics – Barcode and RFID are foundation technologies that create clean structured data for analysis by manufacturers and marketeers.  High-quality analytics are critical to evaluating and managing risk. But you can’t produce high-quality analytics without high-quality data. Adherence to barcode quality standards will help keep the data clean, improve decision making and keep a step ahead of competitors.

For those companies requiring assistance in setting up their quality and compliance programs or for simple inspections, AIS also offers SCANALYST Regulatory Compliance Inspection and Consulting Services.  Please contact us at 614-431-3300 or